
Jeans with good reputation. Goodsociety

Hardly any item of clothing has a worse reputation than jeans, the production of which usually consumes large quantities of resources. This is not the case with the models of the denim brand Goodsociety: In all washing processes, the Hamburg-based company already dispenses with the use of chlorine and other environmentally harmful products. They try to keep the energy and water requirements during production as low as possible throughout the entire process. In the production plants in Italy, wastewater is constantly collected and reprocessed using state-of-the-art technology - thus purified, it is constantly returned to the production cycle. Good Society supports a reforestation project in Argentina run by the internationally active environmental organization Treedom and also regularly donates a quarter of its corporate profits to the Canadian SA Foundation (Servants Anonymous), whose work supports women in Nepal.

Conserve resources.

The jeans manufacturer has production carried out in Italy. From spinning the yarns to weaving, from dyeing and finishing the denim fabrics, all the work remains in the country, so that there are hardly any long journeys from one textile plant to the next. And it is not only in Italy that Good Society knows all its suppliers. The cotton growing partner companies in India, Pakistan and Turkey are licensed by the Global Organic Textile Standard (GOTS): a guarantee for the quality of the raw material, for environmentally friendly, controlled organic cultivation of the cotton and for the fact that at least the social standards defined by GOTS are adhered to during harvesting and further processing on site. Buttons and labels for the jeans are mostly prefabricated from recycled material or vegan fabrics.


Due to the special dyeing, the denim fabrics have the property to lose color. Please note that the colors may rub off on lighter clothing and upholstery fabrics.