From the diversity of birdhouses

As a responsible birdhouse owner, it is indispensable to deal in detail with the feeding and nesting habits of domestic songbirds. After all, animals also appreciate individuality in the construction of houses and in the kitchen. Species protection, the settlement as beneficial insects in the fight against aphids, caterpillars and Co., nature observation or environmental education for children - the reasons for attracting feathered guests to your own garden, terrace or balcony are manifold. Just as diverse as the bird species and their needs.

Requirement profile: feeding place and nesting aid for flying artists.

The two essential functions of bird houses are on the one hand the breeding aid, as is the case with nesting boxes, and on the other hand the feeding, which in our country classically takes place in the winter months. While for the former a safe shelter and thus protection from weather and nest predators are essential, for a bird feeder it is elementary to protect the food from wind and weather and thus from spoilage or icing and at the same time to ensure easy accessibility and good hygiene. There you just have to conclude from yourself to others. Comfort, safety and cleanliness - that's what birds want too, so birdhouses should be individually tailored to their feathered inhabitants and visitors. Whether cave or niche nesting birds, titmice, sparrows or wrens - the Manufactum range includes tailor-made dwellings for a wide variety of target groups. Not only the shape is decisive, but also the size of the brood chamber and the entrance hole, the light conditions and the material of the nesting aids can be decisive. Breathable and durable wood concrete, a pine trunk for near-natural nesting, larch wood treated for outdoor use, and bags woven from fern leaves, seaweed or coconut - all our products have one thing in common: the birds will love them. And so will their hosts.

Feed silo with larger stock

Small food house for daily filling

Feeding station for mounting on a window pane

No chance for food envy.

Whether they prefer winter feeding or are fans of the adapted year-round feeding, not only in terms of bird feeders, our maxim at Manufactum is: simple, sustainable and functional. Easy to clean and refill, weatherproof and durable, or even just for a season if you choose the weathering cardboard variety - when it comes to the exterior, your guests aren't picky. It's the inner values that count here: our bird food therefore offers plenty of high-quality energy sources for a wide variety of winged gourmets, whenever nature no longer provides enough food bases. And don't worry if you only have a balcony: There's room for guests in the smallest hut. And, of course, in the smallest birdhouse.