Gutes aus Klöstern

Ceramics from Maria Laach

The production of ceramic objects has a long tradition in the Benediktinerabtei Maria Laach in the Eifel. In any case, the monastery is located in a region that has been known for this craft for centuries. In Maria Laach in particular, it experienced a new heyday in the early 20th century thanks to the Bauhaus-trained monk Theodor Bogler. After leading only a shadowy existence, the ceramics workshop was reopened a few years ago and is currently run by Br. Stephan. Working with him are master ceramist Gabi Schöneberger and porcelain painter Andrea Lange. Today, work is being done again both classically on the wheel and in the casting process that Bogler established.

Laacher monastery dishes

One focus is the Laach monastery tableware, whose formal starting point is the Laach soup bowl used in the monks' refectory for meals. All pieces are made of Westerwald clay, hand-turned on the wheel or cast in plaster molds. The transparent glaze clearly brings out the peculiarity of the material, and it is suitable for the dishwasher. All the pieces are made of material intensive and therefore robust, but thinned out in places that require it functionally: on the edges of cups, bowls and mugs. The decoration in Laacher blue is applied by hand.