For a good dose of nest warmth

Housewarming gifts

The move is over, the boxes are unpacked and the new home is furnished. Now it's time for the traditional housewarming party - to thank all the hard-working helpers and to celebrate the new home with friends, family and new neighbors. This custom is common in many cultures, but the rituals differ slightly. In France, for example, people are invited to the "pendaison de crémaillère", literally translated as "hanging the kettle saw". According to good old tradition, the vat in which the first meal in the new home is prepared for the guests is attached to the saw. In England, a "housewarming" is celebrated. In the past, guests would bring firewood to light the fireplace and symbolically drive out the old ghosts. However and wherever you celebrate - we have some great ideas to make your hosts happy.

Bread and salt, God forbid. Give happiness and blessings

Bringing salt and bread to the housewarming party is a tradition in many European countries. After all, these are the staple foods par excellence that a household should never be without. Today we usually have them in abundance, whereas in the past they were not affordable for many people. For centuries, grain served as a kind of currency and determined the stability of social systems. And salt was so valuable until well after the Middle Ages that it earned the name "white gold". According to religious beliefs, it was also supposed to put an end to the devil. Even today, the symbolic idea behind the gift of bread and salt is to wish people prosperity, happiness, blessings and, of course, the necessary spice in life in their new home - a beautiful gesture, in our opinion. That's why we present a few suitable candidates here - from characterful and juicy breads from our bakery to exquisite sea and deep-sea salts and salt mills and shakers of outstanding workmanship.

Providing growing splendor in the new home. Green gift ideas

Not all plants survive the move, some may have had to be left behind in their old home. This is a good reason to bring new greenery to the housewarming party - for example with a beautiful houseplant. Because it improves the indoor climate and adds colorful accents to the new four walls. Planted in an attractive planter, the gift roommate immediately cuts a fine figure as a living indoor object. If the recipient has their own garden, you can choose from a wide range of plants - from fruit and ornamental trees and shrubs to herbs and vegetables, perennials, flower bulbs and selected seeds. You can also create growing enthusiasm on balconies and patios - with dwarf fragrant lilacs, hydrangeas and some clematis, for example. Even some of our fruit and vegetable varieties thrive magnificently in tubs, making them a harvest-rich gift. Incidentally, we work exclusively with nurseries for all our plants, where quality and preservation of the variety as well as varietal authenticity are paramount. Another creative tip: If you have already harvested a rich crop of berries - homemade jam is always a personal and individual gift.

Welcome to your new home. Give the gift of more living comfort

Moving house is always a challenge and it usually takes a little time to finally settle into your new home. You have left your familiar surroundings, many things are not yet in the right place, friends and family may now be further away - all in all, the warmth of home is missing. Then it's often the little things that transform a new living space into a new home: a cozy woolen blanket, fine table linen, fluffy towels, stylish vases and candlesticks. If you know the hosts well, you will certainly have a feel for what else they could use to get off to a good start in their new home.

Everyone at one table. Creating a playful atmosphere

Playing is inherent to us humans - a basic need, so to speak, like eating and sleeping - or as Schiller put it: "Man is only fully human where he plays." Games bring old friends and family around the table and facilitate first encounters - perhaps with neighbors or other people we have just met. You can never have enough games, so they make a great surprise gift for a housewarming party. The new home will instantly become a communicative hotspot and the new residents will feel even more at home. What's more, you're sure to get the next invitation after the "christening". Our board games - from Scrabble and family pinball to table skittles and Tipp-Kick to quartets and memory games - bring excitement and fun to the table at home.

Packed with sense, taste and love. Our gift baskets

A good wine, fine brandies and liqueurs, fine delicacies, sweet treats - fill a bulging gift basket with good things. A full basket of delicacies is always a welcome gift - whether for a topping-out ceremony or any other happy occasion. With a Manufactum voucher surrounded by a colorful bouquet of exquisite products, he is in the best of company.

Manufactum merchandise vouchers. Give the full selection

  • With our merchandise voucher, you always have the right topping-out gift for every taste. This is particularly advantageous if you don't know the style of the new homeowners very well or you don't know exactly which items are most urgently needed in the household. Simply choose a voucher amount and give the full selection of the Manufactum range as a gift. Our electronic gift voucher can be printed out in a flash just before the party.