When one idea becomes many. Binder clips

In contrast to our good things that are quite obviously creative in character, such as pencils, stencils or paper, other Objekten need a little more ingenuity to recognize their creative potential - and to make use of it. One of these products, which in everyday life can only develop into multi-layered problem solvers at second glance and with the necessary inventiveness, are Binder Clips.

Also known as foldback clamps or multipurpose clamps, their inventor Louis E. Baltzley originally invented them for his father, the writer Edwin Baltzley, to make it easier for him to bind his manuscripts together - and more than 100 years later, they are still being used in many offices around the world for this threadless paper "binding" task. Yet they are much more multifaceted - downright genuine improvisational talents. Whether on the desk, in the kitchen, in the living room or while traveling, as picture hangers, toys or handicraft utensils - there are countless applications for these useful staples made of spring steel sheet:

Clamped to the tabletop, they manage, for example, the cables at the workplace, which are not constantly used. As protection for the head of the wet razor, they are a useful companion when traveling. Once opened, they close chip bags just as securely as they are suitable as a roll-up aid for tubes of all kinds. In the refrigerator, they prevent the drinks to be cooled from rolling back and forth. And two Binder Clips combined with each other can even be used to make a practical stand for your smartphone. Do you have a few good ideas of your own? We are curious and would love to be inspired by you.