Like no other season, summer invites us to enjoy life outdoors to the full. We can quench our thirst for adventure on trips, admire the beauty of nature in our immediate surroundings or experience moments of joy and happiness in our own garden with friends and family. From refreshing drinks to culinary dishes from the summer kitchen - the warm season spoils us with countless delights, and our favorite spots in the countryside are perfect for relaxing. It's just the right time to leave the worries of everyday life behind and indulge in sunshine, blue skies and an abundance of opportunities.

Relax! Happy Staycation

  • Vacation! The air smells of freedom and adventure, of freshly mown grass and the sweet scent of flowers. The garden becomes a playground, a culinary meeting place, your own little recreation area. This is where we come to rest and leave everyday life behind us. And outside the garden fence, too, a vacation mood is created: a picnic in the countryside, a trip to the lake, a hike through mountains and valleys. We wish you a magical summer.

Clever! Beating the Heat

  • Do you also associate summer so closely with your childhood? With freedom, laughter and bright colors? It could be so beautiful. Oh no, of course it is beautiful. Except that with summer, sun and sunshine also comes oppressive heat, insects and drought. So that you can still enjoy the hot days, we have put together a series of clever helpers that will give people, animals and plants a carefree life (together) during the hot phase.

Spritz & Save! Mindful Watering Techniques

  • Water is a precious resource that we should use sparingly. However, during prolonged dry periods in summer, even the hardiest plants in your vegetable or ornamental garden cannot survive without additional watering. To keep water consumption as low as possible despite everything, you need helpful measures and watering strategies. We'll show you how you can enjoy a magnificent bloom and a happy harvest even in a dry summer.

Pretty Cool! Sommer Cooking Delights

  • "Yes, gezellig!" In the Netherlands, the simple adjective "gesellig" stands for much more than a cozy get-together - it almost encompasses an entire attitude to life. For us too, it perfectly describes how we imagine summer evenings in the garden in a cheerful atmosphere. And relaxed get-togethers with friends and good food are definitely part of it. In our range, you will find everything you need for refreshing conviviality in the open air: from garden tables to barbecue lighters.

Up & About! Let's Embrace the Journey

  • Traveling inspires and opens our mental horizons, especially if we don't just want to get somewhere quickly. If the journey is the destination and we really experience the actual journey and take it as part of the whole, traveling not only shapes our view of the world, but also our self-image and helps us to develop more strength for everyday life.

Recharge! Your Summer Oasis

  • Reading a good book in a hammock in the garden while dozing off, looking out over the water and letting your mind wander, chatting with friends and family in the cool shade under a tree - we all have a place where we can relax and unwind particularly well. Alone, as a couple, with many, visit your favorite spot again and take a little break from the hustle and bustle of everyday life.