Horhausen in the Westerwald is home to the knitwear specialist Seldom. Its origins lie with the parents of today's managing director Rolf Meissner, who made a name for themselves with knitted hats and caps - at the best of times, 2,000 knitted hats a day left their factory. In 1984, Rolf Meissner, a trained economist and self-taught knitter, founded the brand Seldom, which he managed for many years, but then sold and turned to knitwear development on commission. A few years later, however, he bought back the brand rights, with the idea of one day reviving Seldom. The initial spark for this came from a cooperation with a knitting factory in the Lower Rhine region that can knit "seamlessly". Together with its owner, Meissner developed a process in 2010 to combine the seamless technique with the plating technique, which involves working with two different colored yarn systems, one of which is visible on the right side and one on the left. In the process, the second color in each case is never completely covered; instead, a melange tone is created.

The combination of these two techniques is a technical innovation that did not exist before. The road there was rocky, because the implementation is very demanding in terms of knitting technology: The development of the first sweater alone took three quarters of a year. Seldom has long since returned to the path of success, and with son Maximilian, the third generation is already active.

All men's knitwear from Seldom